Creative Website Design

I specialize in designing custom and vintage websites for small business entrepreneurs, artists and crafters who are working within a limited budget and need an online presence that effectively showcases their products and services.

I provide my clients with a website that reflects their unique business and expands their advertising and business creditability. An inspiring and expressive site that engages the interest and attention of their visitors.

I am committed to providing my clients with a compelling website that has visual appeal, structure, simplicity and balance, where all the elements of the site work together and speak to your audience.

Domain Name and Website Hosting

I prefer clients have their domain name (URL) and hosting service in place, so the website and content is owned solely by you. Once a website is designed and implemented, you risk losing the ability to take it with you if you decide to work with another web designer or update it yourself. The effort to transfer or retake ownership is costly, time consuming and frustrating. I will be happy to assist and provide instructions to you in setting up your URL and hosting.

My personal hosting service recommendations are HostGator and Canvas Host. I will design your website then upload the files to your web hosting service.

Please Contact me for more details, questions, pricing.